The Adirondack Adventure and Whiskey Society is a group of individuals with a shared passion for outdoor adventures and a fondness for whiskey. Activities focus on encouraging personal development, building community, and supporting charitable efforts through group activities and targeted fundraising. The primary focus is on adventures that are best suited for groups as opposed to individuals. We also enjoy good whiskey that reflects the hard edge of the outdoors and the strong character of those who pursue its raw beauty. While the group will routinely relax and enjoy a drink after a day in the elements, the consumption of alcohol is not a requirement. Non-drinking members with a love of the outdoors are welcome and encouraged.
Our goals are to promote members' activity in outdoor pursuits, encourage them to bring personal interests/expertise to the group, and introduce new activities that foster growth and personal development. Potential members:
Spend a significant amount of time in the outdoors
Have a curious nature and a focus on personal development and learning from others
Give back time, talent and treasure to organizations that protect the environment or that help individuals in great need.
Initially, we will be limiting membership to 20 members. We will put names on a waiting list for when we are prepared to accept more members. In addition, we will be adding “remote” membership over time.
Members are required to be active with attendance of at least one event per quarter.
Monthly gatherings from small activities such as a local tasting/card game to more involved outdoor activities such as skiing, hiking, or back-country adventures.
Quarterly outdoor adventures
A minimum of one annual trip. The first one will be a Kentucky Bourbon/Golf trip. Future trips TBD
Ad hoc outings for golf, biking, hikes, skiing etc. that will be managed in a chat on Substack app
Members are required to be active with attendance of at least one event per quarter.
Members are expected to enhance the experience
Members must take responsibility to help plan and execute group activities
Members will help to drive controlled growth through referrals of high caliber candidates
Initial dues will be $175. Send membership via cash, check, or Venmo to Scott Munro @Scott-Munro-6
Members are asked to be active and help as needed at all events and outings
Outings will be paid by members on an ad hoc basis. Dues do not cover activities.
As the group evolves, it is likely that annual dues will change
We reserve the right to change direction as the group takes shape and evolves
The organization is an LLC with a Board of Directors and a Charter
Membership will initially be limited to 20 members as we get the group up and running.
Names will be placed on a waiting list for when we are prepared to accept more members.
Remote membership will develop over time.